Rose Connect App Question

I just updated the Rose Connect Premium app to the latest version, and noticed that the amount of songs in a given album is now listed next to the band’s name. So, for example, whereas before we would see “Let It Be / THE BEATLES” now we can see “Let It Be / THE BEATLES 9song”). Frankly, this looks hideous, not to mention it is grammatically incorrect.

Is there any way to disable this?

I also noticed that when using the “Album” thumbnail view, the order of the albums is completely out of whack (ie: not alphabetical). I do not know what logic is being followed to arrange and display these albums, but it is not one I could make sense of.

Is there any way to fix this in a future update?

Thanks in advance!


Is there a problem because it says 9songs instead of 9songs in the RoseConnect app?
If this is the issue, I will forward it to the software team and request a fix.

If there are other issues, please take a screenshot and describe the symptoms.

Thank you for the reply. The main problem for me is aesthetic in this case. To my eyes, the total number of songs should not be listed next to the Artist name. It should also be “9 songs”, for example, instead of “9songs” (there should be a space). This was never the case before. The total number of songs was not mentioned at all in the same line. I hope you can go back to that the previous style/look instead. The new one shows too much information on a single line.

The order on which the thumbnails is displayed is also incorrect (see above). I wish the album art would be displayed in this manner: ARTIST NAME > ALBUM TITLE NAME (in alphabetical order). Currently, I do not understand the order, but it is not alphabetical.

Thank you!


I have forwarded your request to the software team.
They will review it and make any necessary changes.

Thanks so much! I appreciate it.