Looking at the picture you posted above, it looks like your phone is not connected to RS150b.
Press “My iPhone” to the right of the power off button.
If your RS150b is still not searched, please check a few things below.
Please try the method below.
Rose device–>Settings–>Device management–>Register
Is your Rose device version the latest version?
Does your Rose device software version show as 5.7.07?
Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>System version info—>View details–>Rose OS–>5.7.07
If you delete and reinstall the RoseConnect app on your iPad and iPhone, will it be the same?
Are your iPad and Rose device connected to the same IP network?
Rose device—>Settings—>System Info—> IP address shown in IP Address and Wi-Fi IP connected to your phone Up to two points must be same.
Example) Correct
Rose device IP Address:
iPad IP Address:
Example) Wrong
Rose device IP Address:
iPad IP Address:
Please take a picture of the screen showing the IP address of your phone and the screen showing the IP address of your Rose device and send them to us.