Rose connect can not find my RS 150 B


Please answer my questions.

  1. According to the picture you sent, your RS150b is not the latest version.
    Check RS150b–>Settings–>System info–>System version info–>View details–>Rose OS shows as 5.7.07
    If Rose OS shows as 5.7.05, please update.
  2. Rose device–>Settings–>Device management–>Once you register the device you want to register, you can use the RoseConnect EA app.
  3. Amazon Music is something we’re trying to add as well, but it’s not easy.
  4. Finally, please send me 2 pictures.
    RS150b–>Settings–>System info–>IP address
    IP address on your iPad

Hi Rosehan! I have the same problem, before the updates (Rose 150B and iPhone/iPad app) everything worked, I turned on the Rose then launched the application on the iPhone which automatically saw the Rose connected to the network (via cable not wifi). Currently after updating the Rose and the iPhone app (update performed many times) I have trouble seeing the Rose, I have to first select the iPhone/iPad and then subsequently select the Rose… it’s an annoying thing, if you can solve it I thank you!!! Fabio


If you update the Rose device to 5.7, you will see the menu as shown in the picture below.

Rose device–>Settings–>Device management–>Register

Hi Rosehan, the Rose is already registered. Even though I wait for the network icon to stop flashing when I turn it on, the iPhone/iPad sometimes doesn’t see it, often times it doesn’t see it. I mean, the icon is there but I can’t select it. I have to select the iPhone/iPad and then, only then, select the Rose and then it works. Other times, a few times it sees it and connects automatically. Thanks! Fabio

I‘m done with it.

  1. why there is no advice that there is a new version?
  2. It‘s still the same after installing the actual version.
    The Ipad is loosing the connection till playing a video. Really nice when you can not stop it.
    Sometimes you see the orange sign turing to green, turning back to orange after 2 sec.
    You see the rose in amzon music but you can not connect it, the same in quobuz.
    Tryed to reconnect while scaning the datamatrix code on the rose. „ oh what a surprise“ can not find this IP (and who made this scan program ? I can absolutely see nothing with the camera. Finding the code is nothing but luck.
    After two years a stable running app is scrap now. Thanks a lot.

Ah something else. After reconnect with the datamatrix code (3-4 times trying) I took the Ipad with me to the toilet, 2 rooms beside. In the toilet the connection got lost and it got reconnected after coming back to the rose. ? Thought the connection is on Wlan not with infrared? But Wlan is in the whole house.

I have same issue absolutely. connected earlye Iphone can’t get access to Rs250. Other IPhone whith new installed app can’t find rs250.


Please check a few things.

  1. Go to Device management settings on your Rose device and show the screen to see if your Rose device is registered.

  2. Is your Rose device version the latest version?
    Does your Rose device software version show as 5.7.07?
    Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>System version info—>View details–>Rose OS–>5.7.07

  3. If you delete and reinstall the RoseConnect app on your IPhone, will it be the same?

  4. Are your iPad and Rose device connected to the same IP network?

Rose device—>Settings—>System Info—> IP address shown in IP Address and Wi-Fi IP connected to your phone Up to two points must be same.

Example) Correct
Rose device IP Address:
IPhone IP Address:

Example) Wrong
Rose device IP Address:
IPhone IP Address:

Please take a picture of the screen showing the IP address of your phone and the screen showing the IP address of your Rose device and send them to us.

IP address IPhone

Screen from new Iphone to try connect to ROSE

Connecting is fail.

Do you have a ROSE Connect manual that describes how to use it correctly?


Please check a few additional things.

  1. If you connect your Rose device to Wi-Fi instead of Ethernet, can you connect to the RoseConnect app on your iPhone?
  2. Does the same symptom appear even if you reset your router and connect it with the RoseConnect app?
  3. Does the same symptom appear even if you delete and reinstall the RoseConnect app installed on your iPhone?

The reboot of the network hardware did not give a positive result for the application. Streamer not operated from phone.

The Streamer is now connected via Wi-Fi.
The application installed on another iPhone for the first time does not find the Streamer by automatic search or by specifying the Streamer address.


Please tell us the model name of the mobile device you are using to download the Rose Connect app.

Old time connected device is IPhone 14, new trying to connected - IPhone SE 2016. Iphone 14 is seeing streamer, but can’t manage them. Iphone SE can’t connect to streamer.

Just now I find that post Application ROSE Hifi pour RS250 - #2 by ROSEHAN
Tell me which application I should use with my device? RS250 Version 5.7 official.


If your RS250 version is 5.7 Official, you must install and use the app in the picture below.

OK. This application is used. Let’s get back to the main question: How to make the application correctly manage the RS250 device?


I didn’t understand your question correctly.

Please explain in a little more detail.

The ROSE RS250 is not able to be correctly managed with the iPhone 14 Pro.
Screenshots of the current state of the device are shown above.
The local network devices were rebooted. This did not give a positive result.
The device and smartphone are in the same subnet.

Can you help us to fix this issue?


Looking at the picture you posted above, it looks like your phone is not connected to RS150b.

Press “My iPhone” to the right of the power off button.
If your RS150b is still not searched, please check a few things below.

  1. Please try the method below.
    Rose device–>Settings–>Device management–>Register

  2. Is your Rose device version the latest version?
    Does your Rose device software version show as 5.7.07?
    Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>System version info—>View details–>Rose OS–>5.7.07

  3. If you delete and reinstall the RoseConnect app on your iPad and iPhone, will it be the same?

  4. Are your iPad and Rose device connected to the same IP network?

Rose device—>Settings—>System Info—> IP address shown in IP Address and Wi-Fi IP connected to your phone Up to two points must be same.

Example) Correct
Rose device IP Address:
iPad IP Address:

Example) Wrong
Rose device IP Address:
iPad IP Address:

Please take a picture of the screen showing the IP address of your phone and the screen showing the IP address of your Rose device and send them to us.