ROSE Connect for Windows starts off screen

The latest version of the ROSE Connect app for Windows starts off the screen.

Please see the screenshot of the Windows Desktop background along the left side of the screen.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Do you see other apps on your Rose device?
Rose device–>Rose Store–> Install the apps you want to see on the display.
Then close the PC RoseConnect app and open it again.
However, if other apps are still not visible on the left side, please tell me.

Hello Rosehan

i am not complaining about the menu. I want it to be short like this.
I wanted to point to the fact that the ROSE Connect (Windows 10) start off to the right of the screen. You can see the desktop at the very left hand side.
When i set it to start in full screen, the next time it starts off the screen slightly to the right.

I can confirm - its the same here.
What you can do - resize the APP in Windowed mode - then close the App - re-open - then it will start like this.
When its in Full Screen mode - then its not really full - I can see the Background on the left side.
There is something wrong in the App - but it was that way also in 4.15

Yes i tried that already. It seems ROSE Connect does not save the “full screen window” position.
This issue was mentioned as corrected in earlier version but appears again.