"Rose Connect Premium"

where can I find “Rose Connect Premium” app DEMO or detailed screenshots - the functionality of the app is very important for me when choosing a streamer.


Hello @Mice

Currently, when using RS150, RS250, RS201, the same “Rose Connect Premium” app is used.
I don’t have detailed screenshots about “Rose Connect Premium”.

Simply, the “Rose Connect Premium” app is a remote control.

  1. You can play music videos in the app by connecting USB to your Rose device.

  2. You can play music streaming services such as Radio, Rose FM, RoseTube (same as Youtube), Podcast, Tidal, Bugs, and Qobuz in the app.

  3. Functions that can be operated on the Rose device such as input/output settings, volume settings, power on/off, etc. can be operated in the app.

If you have any questions about “Rose Connect Premium” app, feel free to reply.

Thank you.

Thank you for the information.
However, it is a pity there is no DEMO.
I do not want to buy additional expensive applications such as Roon or Audirvana, and not knowing how the native Rose Connect application detaily works, it is difficult for me to decide to buy a device …

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It was important for me as well.
Can only say that i am inpressed with the Rose app. It’s very good.

Hey @Mice check this out which - although it focuses on just one feature - should give you some sort of indication for what the Rose app looks like in action. The background music in this video is kind of dreadful, but you can always mute it and just watch the short video so that you can get an idea.

Thank you - it gives some idea about this app.

By the way - software, especially software that operates in the context of art, In this case music, is not unambiguous good or bad. It is, to some extent, a matter of preferences and a bit of the user’s mental as well? That’s why I would like to know them before I decide to buy.

Difficult tro find a functional link to download Rose Connect Premium for Mac. Can you provide a link?


Please download the link below.

For Window: drive.google.com/file/d/1JHShaFfJBNZlgpujKOqtL4TK2RuEoueV/view
For Mac: drive.google.com/file/d/1Ug1n3r_arNrZO9UK1m2eCgdA1w_0alLe/view

Thank you

Thanks for the links. This app for mac crashes and will not run. An older version, Rose HiFi 4.07.04 is working for now


A new version of RoseConnect Mac/Window will be released soon.

Thank you