Rose Connect with MAC issue (cover art is wrong)

When viewing the cover art for a “now playing,” track the cover art that is on the main screen (larger) is not reflective of the actual track being played. The small cover art icon down at the bottom of the screen is correct but the larger cover art stays stagnate and does not change from one song to the next.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We also confirmed that the same symptoms appear as the issue.
We will find and resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Hifi Rose has updated this app 3 times in the past 3 days and the problems persist such as the cover art not showing correctly as stated above among other obvious errors.


We have identified the symptoms, but it will take time to fix them.
This symptom will be distributed in the next update.

Any updates on this @ROSEHAN

This issue still persists with the most recent update. Any estimate on a fix. Thank you.


I reported the symptom to the person in charge, but it appears that it has not been corrected. I relayed the information to them again. We will make sure to reflect this in the next update.

Issue still persists even after today’s update. FYI, hoping a fix is available soon since this has been a known issue since October. Thank you in advance.

This issue is back again with the latest version of the Mac Rose OS application. When will this issue be resolved?


Currently, RoseConnect PC is under development and is scheduled to be released as early as this year or early next year. Until then, no new updates will be released.