Rose FM App Countrys

I Would Like to use Rose FM App as my preferred Radio app because of its classic looks. But german Radio stations are not available in this app. Why not? Is this changing soon?


In the case of Rose FM, development is currently discontinued.
Since we use internet radio, we need the frequency number of all channels to keep RoseFM.
It is difficult to add one country because you have to add them one by one. We recommend you to use RoseRadio.

Thank you


Sorry to hear that. This app can find a new life if you make it programable. It is a cool feature, so, why not use the same graphical interface which you already developed and make fully cutomizable app. It could be a repository for favorite local stations which have internet stream too. I am sure that lot of Rose users will love such an app… In short, app should let you add stations which are already in RoseRadio app (programed by you, or user added), after that it should be possible to add a virtual frequency to every radio station selected and a presset button. YOu can limit the number of radio stations to 30, 40 or 50. and make a shift button to move from first ten stations on preset buttons to next ten stations… I could be a nice touch to Rose enviroment and a selling point too :- D

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I love this feature, it looks really great. Luckily my home country Switzerland is included in the list.