Rose FM country locations

When will be upgraded the location of Rose FM in app IPAD of IOS, at moment Spain not appears -

Thanks and regards


Currently, it seems difficult to update Rose FM.
The best way to listen to Spainish radio is to use the Radio app.

Thank you

Thanks and the possibility to have passthrough in HDMI audio. Like a video player is very good but the most of MKV films have a AC3 and DTS audio, will be nice the possibility to decode on my TV ( this have this possibility )…

Thanks again and regards


Rose device has a passthrough function.
Rose device–>In/Out Settings–>HDMI (gear shape)–>HDMI Passthrough–>ON

Thank you

Thanks, I´ll try this evening

Kind regards

After try few seconds ago, in Rose 250, not appears this option, I tried from Rose, iPad and Mac

Any improvement in the future

Thanks and regards

Solved, sorry was my mistake, I thinked that this appears immediately and not, only was needed pressure the config icon on the HDMI dialog box.

Sorry again and thanks