Rose RCU - RF Over Bluetooth

Why would anyone prefer the Bluetooth RCU function over RF? RF is so much faster and precise


Thank you very much for your good comments.
In fact, since our development and testing is focused on apps, we seem to have neglected the remote control. I think the above opinion is a good one that I can fully agree with. We will adjust the specifications early and reflect it. We will try harder to improve the performance of the remote control receiver. When an improved product is released, we will maintain compatibility so that it can be used with existing products as well.

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Thank you very much for caring about the user experience. I appreciate your effort and willingness to listen to the Rose product users, like myself. :+1:t2:

RCU Update on my situation… I contacted MoFi Distribution (USA) and they sent me a new RCU and a NEXT-531WBT dongle. This completely solved my issues regarding the Bluetooth RCU functions with my RS-520. No more RCU random light flashing, no more spontaneous back button appearing on the 520’s display. The RCU now operates quickly and efficiently in Bluetooth mode. If you suffer from RCU Bluetooth issues I encourage you to contact your dealer/distributor and seek this remedy. I am extremely pleased with the outcome!

Now ROSE needs to find a way to make those dongles available in Europe as well

The dongles are not available in the US either, at
least not to consumers. I had to obtain one via my distributor. I even tried to purchase one from. South Korean website, but they would not ship to the US. If you can get your hands on one you will be pleased, the dongle works very well.

HiFi ROSE NEXT-531WBT | RS150 WiFi+BT Dongle (

Will not complete transaction, does not ship to USA.

I think that the neccessary standards like WiFi, Bluethooth, USB are all the same in all Dongles otherwise they would not work. Like USB 2.0. 3.0. C, sticks people us freely with numerous devices old and new. Yet there are differences in how efficient the do their jobs, slow or fast, stable or unstable. I

Perhaps ROSE should certify more Dongles for/in other regions an make them at least easily available via ROSE product distributors


What is meant by “RF over Bluetooth”. Bluetooth is RF (Radio Frequency). Or did you mean IR? As far as I know, the remote control can be used either via BT (RF) or IR. By the way, so far, my remote control works flawlessly in combination with the original WLAN/BT-USB dongle.

Radio Frequency
Radio Frequency (RF) is a data transmission technology based on electromagnetic radio waves. The advantage of RF is that this technology has a wider signal range. RF can pass through and you don’t have to point your remote at the device because it doesn’t have to be in sight.

Bluetooth (a type of RF) is a wireless communication technology that uses radio waves of a specific frequency to transmit data from one device to another over short distances of up to 10 m. It is used in a variety of products, including the Amazon Fire TV Stick, the Roku TV Stick, XGIMI and many other controllers for electronics and digital devices that use Bluetooth.

Just ask Aunt Google, then you can answer many questions yourself.

I only use my 520 with IR (included wired sensor with 3.5mm jack plug).

I do know the differences between those technologies very well. My posting was more or less a rhetorical question to the first posting of this thread. :wink:

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Apologies, I did mean to say IR when I originally posted. Sorry for the confusion.

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