Rose RS150: GMT +530 hrs Timezone support for clock

Hello Roseloa,

I am following up after waiting more than 6 months on the issue of supporting GMT +530 hrs India timezone support on the RS150.

As you are aware, having to see the clock showing the wrong time always is such a disappointment.

I know you were close to releasing this feature update - but it never happened.

I am sure many more customers would be happy if this minor software fix can be made.


Arvind Mathur


I apologize about the time issue.
I will check when it will be updated and let you know soon.

Thank you, and I hope that this long standing issue meets a quick resolution.

Arvind Mathur

Hello Roseloa

Awaiting your update on this long-standing, open issue re. sup[port for GMT +0530 hrs timezone support for the RS150 clock.

Please get this prioritized. At least lets get a timeline?

Appreciate the support.


Arvind Mathur

Please please update on this long-standing and still-open issue.

Thank you/Arvind Mathur