Rose sr150b streamer te vroeg naar volgend nummer

Ik heb onregelmatig dat de rose (veelal het eerste nummer) ergens in het afspelen doorschakelt naar het volgende nummer. Is dit een bekend probleempje ?


I read your question through a translator, but I didn’t understand it very well.

You asked if there is a regular time through the RS150b that playing the first song will call you to the next song, but what does this mean?
Please explain in English so I can understand.

While playing music, my ROSE SR150B skips to the next music track erratically.

[quote=“ronleroy, post:3, topic:8493, full:true”]

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I have a few questions for you.

  1. When you play a song on your RS150b, does it advance to the next song even though the song is not finished?
  2. What kind of music did you play on RS150b?
    For example, Rostube, Apple Music, Tidal, Qobuz, music files stored on your external hard drive.
  3. Does it move on to the next song before every song ends?

Halfway through a song the rose moves on to the next song.
This happens twice in an hour.
I use Apple music, rose tube the most.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
For Rosetube and Apple music apps that do not play properly, uninstall and reinstall the apps from RoseStore.
Please check whether the same symptoms appear in the future before responding.