Rose Tube concerts

I’ve had my 150B since December. I purchased it solely for my two channel setup which it has performed better than I had imagined.
Recently I decided to run an active HDMI cable from the 150B to my Home theater AVR. I knew Rose Tube offered concerts, but I had no idea they would be this good and the number of concerts available would be so many. Well done HiFi Rose, well done.

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Thank you for your favorable opinion of Hi-Fi Rose.
We will become a Hi-Fi Rose that develops even further.

After my favorable comments the next day my 150B would not power up. After unplugging and plugging back in, I could hear relay’s clicking but it still would not power up. I looked through the side vent as I was attempting to power up and saw an orange flash and then the smell of burned electronics. My Rose is now back at the dealer and out for repair. Very disheartening after only eight months of use. I’m hoping this is a rare occurrence but I expect better from a premium piece of equipment.

Well it’s been three weeks and I’m still without my 150B. I’ll be calling the dealer for an update this week. I can’t help but notice that Rose has been silent about my unit failing but we’re quick to respond when I praised the unit. I was hoping this was a rare occurrence, but reading through some others comments there have been several instances of units not powering up. I hope when I get the unit back it works as I would expect a unit at this price point to work. I was really starting to be a proud owner until this happened.:rage:


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I would like to ask for some answers.

  1. What is the name of the dealer you purchased the RS150b from?
  2. In which country did you purchase RS150b?
  3. Please tell us your name.

If you respond to the email below, I will contact the distributor in your country and ask them to take action quickly.

The day my 150B I took it to my distributor and they immediately sent it out to be repaired. I contacted them approximately three weeks later and was told my 150B has been repaired and is being returned to them at which time they will contact me to pick it up. I’ve been purchasing from this distributor for roughly fourteen years and trust them so there is no need for you to contact them. Thank you for responding and recognizing that I had an issue. I just hope I don’t have any further issues.

Dear Hi-Fi Rose users

We are looking at it with interest and believe it is a service that fits our product concept.
We contacted them several times and said they wanted to partner, but it seems like they aren’t ready yet. We will do our best to support you.
Thank you for the great suggestion.

What service are you talking about?


I was explaining a YouTube concert.