RoseConnect does not work on my iPad

You can see no albums are shown on my iPad mini when Albums are shown on my iPhone. It’s not the first time I ran into this problem

Since the text is all in Korean?, I can’t really see what you have selected to view, but Rose Connect has worked just fine from the beginning on my regular iPads, both the previous and current generations. Wish I could help more. Good luck.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please delete and reinstall the RoseConnect app on your iPad. And the update is scheduled to be distributed this week or next week. Please let us know if this symptom continues to appear.

When will you fix the problematic app ? It’s just one of the issues, to name a few, the rescan is slow, the rescan causes disappearance of correct metadata that is shown properly previously, the sorting of albums is messy. In less than 3 months, I ran into all kinds of problems.