rose connect 4.5.1 will not open on latest mac os running on intel from late 2017.
the error report is too long for the message…
take a free file hoster, put all the error log stuff into a txt file and go for it…
Would it be possible for you to take a photo of the error message that you can see?
It doesn’t have to be all of them.
Much improved, UI scaling and navigation. Still one bug, When a recording is selected and “Play” is selected, the music starts but the control box at the very bottom does not update to the current track. I can click on the box and it will stop the track and restart the track. But the album and info is from a previous recording. (or blank, if I have not used the workaround)
If I click on an individual track within the recording, the control box at the bottom does engage to the correct track and controls.
still not executable under Mac OS 13.4
I hope there’s a fix asap…
Help please, constant “Please check your login status” used on Windows.
The message keeps popping up and prevents any typing on search bar.
this!! been happend to me
I also have the same problem with my RS520, says it is connected to OS 4.6.06 and tells me RS520 running OS 4.6.07 is available but no way will it connect and the flashing warning about login is driving me nuts! I have even tried reinstalling the Windows connect software.
As someone who is very new to HiFi Rose I am not over impressed at this moment in time.
Dear users
We apologize for the symptoms currently occurring in the Mac/Window RoseConnect app.
As a result of contacting the person in charge of the software, they is said that the PC version has not been distributed yet. It will be released within this week.
Thank you
Thanks a lot. Waiting for good.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please answer a few questions.
What did you do on the RoseConnect Mac that caused this to happen?
It is difficult to check the overall log contents with the photo.
Can you copy the entire log contents and make it into a text file and send it to me?
Please send it to the email address below.
Thank you
Would you let me know if you can login with latest version of RoseConnect PC APP?
Hello @ROSELOA ,
with the version 4.6.06 MAC, I can connect but nothing works, I keep getting this message (see photo 1) and if I want to log nothing works, I don’t even know what to put like ID and Pass.
And I had a crash.
RoseConnect PC (Ver. 4.5.1) (Win/MAC) - #31 by Herve
Is this issue resolved? If not, please check ROSEHAN’s post and let us know the answer to the questions. -
Are you sure that your MAC RC version is 4.6.06?
You should be able to see the version information at the top left of the RoseConnect screen, could you take a screenshot?
What events occurred before this issue arose? For example, did you update the program, reinstall it, etc…?
What’s the brand and model name of the router that you’re using?
Best Regards,
I am having all the same issues as listed above. Please provide an update for the fix.
The link for Rose connect above for Mac does not work.
I have now thru a link that I found somewhere deeper in this forum downloaded Rose Connect 4.6.08
I also found how to sign up:
your email is your personal email off course
then select a new nickname
double click on “duplicate check” and a message will show up if this name has been used or not. When it was used already you will have to create another nickname until it is accepted.
Then the last one: this must be numbers only (digits) with a minimum of 5.
You should be IN then.
I am now struggling how to use it next.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
RoseConnect PC will be updated and released in the near future. I was informed that it would be released next week at the latest.
Please send the ID (email), password, and nickname you will use when you sign up for a log account to my email below.
Thank you
It’s crap, it doesn’t work.
You download it and then go to open it and the thing disappears.
Do these things get tested before you release them?