RoseConnect PC (Ver4.17.07) (Win/MAC)

RoseConnect PC Ver 4.17.07 Update

  • Update Date: March 13, 2024 (Wed) 17:30 PM (GMT +9)
  • Control Models: RS201(E), RS250(A), RS150(B), RS520, RS130
  • Device Compatibility Version Information: SW Ver. v4.17
  • Version Information: PC Ver. v4.17.07 (Win/MAC)

RoseConnect for MAC

RoseConnect for Windows

Update details:

1. Added NEW(Feed) feature

  • The New(Feed) feature, previously available only on Android and iOS platforms, has been extended to PC for usage.
  • After running PC Connect, you can check the New tab in Rose Home for this feature.

2. Added Apple Music feature

  • Major tabs and functions have been added, allowing users to listen to music through the Apple Music page.

3. Function modifications and stabilization

  • Resolved the issue where logging in immediately after installing the Qobuz app would result in immediate logout.
  • Fixed the issue where selecting a list in Tidal > My Tidal and attempting to play a track would not start playback immediately.
  • Fixed a crash occurring during standby mode entry while additional pop-up windows are present.
  • Added a Like sorting option in the Rose Home Favorites Playlist tab.
  • Feature improvements and stabilizations.


1. NEW(Feed) > Playlist > Upload Feed function

  • The Feed registration for playlists in PC Connect > Upload Feed has some additional improvements and is not included in this release.
  • You can use the Upload Feed feature for tracks and albums through the three-dot menu.

2. Apple Music > Login/Logout function

  • Due to security-related constraints in PC Connect’s Apple Music login or logout, there are areas that require additional modifications and are not included in this version.
  • Currently, you cannot log in or log out of Apple Music in PC Connect. However, if Apple Music is logged in on the Rose device and RC Premium (Android/iOS), you can use it in conjunction with PC Connect.
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I have issues with 4.17.07 MAC OS RoseConnect with ROSE 130 with 4.17.04 FW. Connection cannot be established, device is blocked and needs reboot, Tidal account is disconnected and MAC OS application is blinking. Any ideas? iPad and iPhone connections work as expected.

Ok, after playing a bit with older RoseConnect apps and Rose Tidal I found that problem is in this Rose Tidal module in connection with 4.17.07 RoseConnect. If module is not installed, no problem is detected in communication between RoseConnect PC and ROSE130 device. If Rose Tidal is installed, but not logged, no problem is detected as well. If I am logged in, problem appears. It seems that Rose Tidal is logging in and out repeatedly, and after a while I can see “Tidal is not authorized” on device display. During that process RoseConnect is blinking on macOS and ROSE130 device gets unresponsive. Reboot is proposed on display screen and Tidal is unlogged after reboot.
I tried older *unsupported version of RoseConnect PC (4.4 and 4.4.4) with same and problem is not detected. Problem is detected with RoseConnect PC 4.14.08 as well. iPhone and iPad with newest RoseConnect apps are not impacted with this Rose Tidal issues.

Any information on new updated version of RoseConnect PC? Too slow update cycles for premium equipment.


We are currently experiencing delays in updates to the RoseConnect Premium PC version due to the development of the RoseConnect EA version.
We will announce the update schedule as soon as possible.

Appreciate ROSEHAN, I hope that we will have PC working version soon.

An update to the RoseConnect Premium PC version will be released in late August or early September.

The PC version of RoseConnect EA is currently in development, with no release date yet.


Just resolve Tidal disconnection issues, and I am happy! :slight_smile:

Hello! When the new official firmware would be relaesed? I don’t want to go to EA version but i need the new faster DB scanning and rescan system and also the removal of 300k tracks limitation.


We have not yet received an update schedule for the official version.
Updates are usually distributed between 2 and 3 months after the most recent update.
If a modification is really needed, an update is distributed by only modifying the relevant function.

I think the modification of the new DB scanning system really needed ASAP and also the 300k limitation removal. I am waiting for the true DSD gapless playback as second priority thing. Thats the three most important things that missing. Thank you for your response.



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We also believe that this is an issue that needs to be resolved quickly.
However, the solution process is not easy. We will try to improve the problem as soon as possible.

Thank you again for your response.
Let me tell you this. You have excellent sounding devices and you have to support that in terms of the software and if you want your devices to called audiophile devices then that’s should be your number 1. Personally i bought this device to play my DSD512 files and other hires files and having my audiophile collection in the device"s library and not to stream from services who can’t deliver this kind of sound. I still have devices to do that. This device first it had to be excellent performer and then streamer. You have to focus on that.
I am waiting for the things that is priority things if you want we call the device audiophile device. Don’t focus on EA versions. I understand you want us to address the problems so you can fix them but in that path you never going to deliver a perfect performing device and you going to end up fighting to solve problems very slow as all already say. Running two software developments simultaneously that’s hard. Waiting for your update. Thank you again


Any update on RoseConnect Premium PC update? :slight_smile:


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Currently, the update schedule for RoseConnect PC has not yet been determined.
We will let you know as soon as the schedule is available.

I am still wandering how is it possible for premium systems and respectable company like Rose to be aware of software major issue and not solving it, even with a small patch, for almost a year. Unbelievable.



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Currently, a new Win/Mac RoseConnect app is under development. We will distribute it as soon as possible to avoid any problems.

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Hello Hifi Rose Team,
Could you be so kind to inform us when version 5.7 for Windows will be available.
I mainly use this platform, although it is heavily bugged in version 4.17…
Thanks in advance for your answer.


Dear Hi-Fi Rose users

We are currently developing new Connect apps for Mac and Windows.

There are limitations in continuing to support current functions with the existing Connect app for Mac and Windows, so a new one is being developed.

We plan to start testing internally soon, and we will prepare for you to try out the new Connect app for Mac and Windows by the end of December this year at the earliest, or early next year at the latest.

Even though it may be inconvenient, please use your phone or tablet for the time being.

After new update of Rose SW system to 5.7, PC Connect is even less usable. Beside known Tidal issues, now Qobuz is not working, repeating login screen even if Qobuz iz logged in. We can say that current PC Connect is unusable right now.

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