RoseRadio genres

There doesn’t seem to be a ‘Classical’ genre selection when looking for RoseRadio stations. Can it be added?

@ROSELOA, @ROSEHAN, can you address this?


If you look at the picture below, there is a classic genre in the RoseRadio app.

Thanks, but have you looked at the list of stations? It’s almost entirely Indie and Hip-Hop.


There is no way for us to change genres. It is automatically classified according to the genre of the radio registered on our Radio server.

Okay, but Classic is not the same as Classical. Is it possible you are just using the wrong keyword?


RoseRadio loads radio channels from the web address below. When I search for a radio channel classified as classic at the web address below, classic exists in the tag. We cannot change this part. Some radio channels have multiple tags. But I understand that this part is something we can’t do.

Hmm. Then why in this example do they show Classical as the genre, if this does not exist?

Additionally, I looked at other stations also using the same service. On Triode, an iOS radio provider, I can do a search for Classical and hundreds of stations show up, and they are almost all actual classical genre stations.

@ROSEHAN, did you see my reply above?


Do you want to change the genre name marked as Classic to Classical?
Genres marked as Classical on the radio are classified as Classic.

Yes, if no one else objects. “Classic” is too generic and confusing. Classic rock comes to mind.

@ROSEHAN BTW, I just went to and I did a “search by tag” & selected the “classical” tag. Many “classical” radio stations were listed.

Hence, if RS130 can do the same type of search, @Tony22 should be a happy puppy :grinning:

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