RoseTube add a song

Good evening,
My family and I had our first ever “Hangout at the Rose”. RoseTube session this evening. It was a lot of fun as the kids, my wife and I chose different songs and videos from RoseTube to play for each other. Fun to relive how cool (or uncool) different songs from different eras and genres were and are.

However, in going through this process, it was actually pretty clunky to add a new song/video to play immediately after the currently playing song.

For example, when my son was playing a song and my daughter wanted to search and add her selection, it didn’t seem intuitive or successful for her to add next. Instead, it was going to play through an existing playlist that had nothing to do with the song currently playing.

Sounds confusing? It was. Please make there be an option to simply play next after this song/video is finished. Better yet, easily display where the current song playing sits in the larger queue. I like Roon Radio in this regard. Gives you a sense of control and awareness about how the songs are stacking up.

Love the hardware. Please keep up the software development!

Hi @4givingGuy - my family does the same. All of the functionality you want is there, and then some. It seems a little awkward at first and the naming is a little strange, but you can have a song play immediately after the current one ends or place it at the end of the queue. You can see the current queue and even adjust the order of songs to play. You can also adjust your default settings so you can just tap on a song so that it plays at the end of the queue or immediately after the current one ends.

These are best done using the app.

The trick is to tap the 3 vertical dots at the far right of a song or you can even do it for a whole album.

For the playlist reordering, simply tap the playlist icon which looks contains a music note. In there, there is an icon with an up and down arrow which allows on the fly reordering of the songs.

You can even save the dynamic playlist for future use as a permanent new playlist and shuffle it the next time.

Once you understand the system it is very powerful and useful. It took me a little bit to understand to figure out how it works, but I now love it.

I’ll attach some screenshots.

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Thank you for this awesome response. I guess where we went wrong was trying to do it at the Rose vs using the App. The naming convention is a bit wonky, but glad it’s all there.

@4givingGuy @Manny

To simplify your question, it seems to mean how to add a song to be played after the currently playing video.
If the above is correct, when you see the video you want to play next, press the button with three dots and click “Selected Video Current Play Next Add”

Thank you