RoseTube disconnected from TV

Hi, I have this issue - my TV button is ON and the video is playing on my TV. But after a while, the button switched OFF by itself and the video stopped playing on my TV.

It happens quite frequently. Please advise how to solve this issue.

Thank you, George Kok

When I turn hdmi on, it turns off the balanced output???


There is a user with the same symptoms as you, so I asked him to confirm a few things.
First of all, these symptoms are not appearing on our side.

  1. Does the TV button goes Off while playback is normal? Or does the TV button goes off when changing to another video?
  2. Does the TV button goes on if you press the tv button when turned off? Does the basic blue screen or video information displayed when the TV is turned off?
  3. Even after a factory reset, Favorites or My playlists remain in the Rose account.
  4. What is the frequency of occurrence?

Thank you

1 - TV button goes Off while playback is normal, i.e. halfway through the video, not while changing to another video.
2 - Yes, TV button can be On or Off. While On, the video information is displayed on the App and RS 250. While Off, the video plays on the RS 250.
4 - Occurs every time after a few videos.

Thank you.

RS 250 gives warning that Factory Reset will initialize data including Playlist that the user has set up and Rose will be rebooted. Appreciate your confirmation that Favorites will remain.

Thank you.