RoseTube does not work propely


I cannot use RoseTube propely after the latest software update. Sound works fine, but no video any longer.
I have Analog Out as my Output setting. Before the update video worked fine.
Please advice!



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please check a few things.

  1. When you play Rostube, there is no sound but the video does not play. Does that mean that the video does not come out on the TV when connected to the TV? Or is the video not showing on the Rose device?
  2. If the video does not play on the TV, use Rose device–>Settings–>Display–>HDMI resolution–>sellect low resolution and gradually increase the resolution as the video appears on the TV.
  3. If the video does not play on the TV, have you tried changing the TV ON/OFF icon to ON on the Rose device?
  4. If the video does not play on the TV, check whether your HDMI cable is properly connected to the TV and set the external input on the TV to match the terminal to which the HDMI cable is connected.
  5. If my answer is not helpful, please send a video or a detailed explanation of your symptoms to the email below.
  6. Is Rose device–>RoseStore–>Rosetube updated to the latest version?
  7. Please try factory reset
    RS250–>Settings–>System settings–>Factory reset.
    Thank you


I tried everything you suggested without success.
Did finally the factory reset, an now I cannot Login!
I have tried to Login directly on the panel and also through Rose Connect for Windows on my PC.
I can Login to your Homepage and to this community.
Please advice!


Two days later,

I can Login i nto HifiRose through the App for Android.Not possible to Login to Qobuz.
RoseTube . no video but sound. Get the message:
“HDMI function is not ready for use. Please check the HDMI connection status.”
I have chosen the lowest possibble HDMI resolution in HifiRose.
When I change the Output to HDMI and connect the HDMI cable to my Home Cinema Receiver (instead of my JVC projector), RuseTube works - both audio and video.

Please advice!



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The account used on the homepage and the account used in the RoseConnect app are different.
If you cannot log in to your Rose account, please send your Rose account to the email address below.

We will send you a temporary password or verification email.
If you cannot find the password for an account, it is because you did not verify your email address when signing up for the account.