Rs-150 two problems~

I have two problems with my rs-150:

  1. Unable to read the .CUE file, which could be read before.
    2.Youtube cannot log in (APP crashes).
    Hope it can be improved, thank you.



  1. Are you using the EA version?
    We will further review the sound source we have to see if there is a similar phenomenon to yours.

If you have any problems, please share any helpful information, such as pictures of the phenomenon and the format of the sound source, if you have any problems.


Additionally, could you please forward the cue sound source you have to the email address below?

Thank you for your reply~
This type of music files are usually in groups of two, one is .FLAC and the other is .CUE (such as photo 1). .CUE describes the content of .FLAC (such as attachment 2), so if a music player program cannot recognize CUE , will cause the entire album to become one undivided music file. Previously, RS150 could recognize CUE. I will send the file to you. Please help me with it. Thank you.1 2