RS 150b: Problem with XLR Connections

Hi. I am having trouble with the XLR connections on my RS 150b DAC/streamer.

I connect the 150b, via XLR, into an Accuphase e- 380 integrated amp. Very often, usually, the left channel plays less loud and “softer“ sounding. I can also notice on the DB meters on the amp that the left channel is putting out less of a signal.

When I switch the cables at the back of the 150b from left to right, the problem moves to the other side. This is confirmation to me that the Rose XLR output is having the problem (not the amp).

I have tried different cables, and different inputs, and different brands of XLR connectors. When I connect the 150b to my amp using RCA cables, the signals are as they should be.

I have seen other posts on this forum commenting that these connectors and or connections can be problematic.

Please advise, is this an issue that should be looked at physically? The 150b is less than one year old, and I have noticed this problem for several months.

Please advise. Thank you.

Si vous inversez les cables à l’arrière du Rs150b et que le probleme s’inverse c’est que le soucis vient du cable et pas du Rs150b

If you reverse the cables at the back of the Rs150b and the problem is reversed it is that the problem comes from the cable and not from the Rs150b

My response:
You would be correct, except that I have confirmed that it is not a cable issue. As indicated in my original post, I have tried multiple cables, even new cables, and have used a cable tester as well. The fact that the problem switches sides eliminates the potential that the amplifier or the speakers are weak on one side or the other. Thx.

Ok mais si vous inversez les connections à l’arriere du rs150 b le soucis devrait etre toujours du meme coté !! Si vous inversez sur les entrées de l’Accuphase il se passe quoi ?

Ok but if you reverse the connections at the back of the rs150 b the problem should always be on the same side!! If you reverse on the inputs of the Accuphase, what happens?

My Response:
With all due respect, it doesn’t matter if you switch them behind the 150b or the amp. It is the same thing, same cable.

The point is, if I plug the quiet 150b channel (left) into the right side of the amp, the right channel and speaker plays softer. Then, when I plug the quiet 150b channel (left) into the left side of the amp, the left channel and speaker play softer. Given, I know the cables are OK (see pics), this isolates the problem to the 150b.

My hope in this post is to speak to someone affiliated with Rose HiFi.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

If the RCA output is normal and there is a problem with the left channel only during XLR output, the relay may be the problem.
I think I need to replace the audio board of RS150b. Contact the distributor in the country where you purchased the RS150b and request a replacement audio board for the RS150b.

Exactement. Si c’est problèm des caneaux le problème resterait le meme. Ce qui est inquietant est que le probleme consiste lorsqu’on change de cables

Rosehan, Thank you for your attention to this

The problem is also intermittent. 90% of the time there is a problem. I can confirm the problem is on the left side output of the XLR on the 150b. RCA is fine.

How confident are you that is it the relay and audio board? Is it a part a local technician can install? The unit is under warranty.

I live in the US, on the East Coast. I bought the unit from Crutchfield, I called them, and they said I needed to talk to the distributor, MoFi. I called them, and they want me to ship the unit unit from the East Coast to the West Coast and depending on whether they have the part or not, I’ll be without it 3 to 6 weeks.

If there is confidence that it’s the relay-audio board, I’d like to find another solution to not have to send the whole unit so far and be without it for so long. I’m willing to pay for a local technician to install the part versus having to pay for all of that shipping.

Thank you.

I find it disappointing that Crutchfield is passing you off to MoFi instead of just replacing the unit themselves as they did when I had a similar issue with my Cambridge 851n and they replaced it (on three separate occasions) by sending me a new unit immediately, accompanied with a shipper for return of the in warranty 851n. I was charged for the replacement unit and then refunded the charge when they received the inoperative unit.

I also purchased my RS 150b from Crutchfield and would be quite dissatisfied with the solution they proposed. I wonder why their policy is so different for the Rose product as compared to the Cambridge product.

Did Crutchfield provide any explanation as to why they are putting you through this on a warranty issue?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I once again reported your symptoms to the repair person in Korea, but was told that the problem would be solved by replacing the audio board.

Currently, repair parts are available from distributors in each country. Even if you call a local technician, they probably won’t have a suitable audio board for RS150b.

Contact your Hi-Fi Rose distributor, MoFi, to share your content and receive advice.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Warranty issues vary slightly from country to country. Please forward your information to MoFi, our US distributor, and request a response.