Hi NickH,
Actually my issue is different. I have done more isolation as well…
What router are you using ? This gear uses a lot of networking protocols that are quite dependant on the router. So which make and model do you have ?
I should first explain a bit further.
I make a high end network switch & wifi system for audio use. I have a number of dealers who also sell my other product a reengineered AppleTV. https://www.dejitterit.com/
One of my dealers is also a long time dealer of HiFi Rose.
Most of my dealers and clients use Auralic, Taiko, Lumin or Antipodes among other products.
My switch supports and has been tested with all those platforms and functions. Most use Open Home and Linux. The Taiko uses Windows server. I also have some switches in high end studios doing 16 ch of DSD256 via Merging. I support AES67/Dante/ Ravenna. I also have some switches in post production suites.
My system uses Mikrotik RouterOS and ArubaOS. Its carrier grade networking gear that is very sophsicated and can be configured in a nearly infinite number of ways. The features are covered on its web page. By clicking on the features link. The Switch X
So it was surprizing when this HiFi Rose dealer reported that Qubuz and Rosetube were not working on the clean side of my switch while every other device on the market tested so far loves the clean network environment I create and works flawlessly. Qobuz and Rosetube on the 150B work perfectly on the dirty side of the switch - which is just a network bridge. They do not work on the clean side.
As is covered in this document, https://dejitterit.com/SwitchX/SWITCHX.pdf , the clean side is a NATed enviroment. This provides a isolated and controlled network space. I provide UPnP, SSDP, IGMP, DLNA and a host of things and configuration designed for a audio streaming network. The Wifi access point is also fully configured for use in a audio environment.
So the HiFi Rose is the only device I know of that does not work fully on my Switch X. ONLY Qobuz and Rosetube are failing.
EVERY other function on the HiFi Rose 150B works perfectly. The dealer is describing a big jump audio performance. I do not want to put on my website that it does not work fully with HiFi Rose.
The dealer is going to send me his 150B. Once I have it in hand I will be able to analyze what is going on. I will be able to really look at the packet data.
I have now had a chance to really discuss the issues and the product with him. I have also had time to look thru the forum postings on the issues. I have also talked to another client who has had a 150B and described a number of issues that are different and he used a std consumer router at the time. He sold his 150B as he could not get it to work reliabily on a std ASUS home router.
I am quite curious as to what is going on however as it seems quite odd and seems to affect a lot of people.
Most likely I can create a networking environment that will make the 150 and 130 very happy. If I knew what it needs from a network, I can supply it and setup a config for it. I would like to have a custom config I could load just for the HiFi Rose products. I might also be able to include changes in my default config that make HiFi Rose products happy once I study what is going on.
For example. I could setup any IP space, any UPnP or QoS that might help. I could setup a static DHCP if that helps. I can create a isolated network space that is ideal for a HiFi Rose.
Once i get the 150D I will update this thread.
I suspect working in a Android environment is the main issue and you have limited options. Maybe I can address some of this.
If you have a ideal networking environment/requirement you can send to me that would be very helpful.