RS 780 vs RS150B

When playing a CD on the RS 780, the CD image, song title and artist name were no longer displayed on the RS 150B display.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please answer a few questions.

  1. Is your RS150b connected to Wi-Fi or Ethernet? Enter the network server and load the image on the CD.
  2. When you connect RSA780 and RS150b, are you unable to read all CD images from RS150b?
  3. What version of your RS150b?
    RS150b–>Settings–>System info–>System version info


    1. Is your RS150b connected to Wi-Fi or Ethernet? Enter the network server and load the image on the CD.
      2.When I´am connect RSA780 and RS150b, none author name to read all CD images from RS150b
  1. The RS 150B version is pictured in the attachment
  2. As per your advice I have updated to the new version. I set everything back to my settings, but it really bothers me that the yellow icons with the name Hi RES Audio are no longer displayed next to the track name?
    I can’t understand why after updating me on my mobile while using the ROSE app. a window called NOTICE still pops up, everything is in the pictures in the attachment.
    Until I followed your advice and did the update, everything was fine and without problems.
    The RS 780 CD stopped transferring title and name images to the RS 150B display after the last system update. I’m really disappointed and it’s taking up a lot of my time on updates that don’t benefit me.
    I hope that the pictures in the attachment have everything and that everything will be clear and understandable for you.
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Looking at the photo you sent, it looks like your RoseConnect app is not the EA version.
Please install and use the RoseConnect EA app on your phone from Playstore or Appstore.

ut everything was working normally for me until now and without any problems until after the update to 5.4 everything went wrong.

Thank you, Rose Early Access I Already have it set up, but I probably won’t see the yellow Hi-Res Audio icons that where next to the song title?

I want to ask and please answer:
So should I put up with the fact that the CD RS 780 will never display and transfer images of the titles and the names of the authors of the songs to my RS 150B? Where did the error occur when everything was working before?


I didn’t understand your problem exactly.
Could you take a picture of the symptoms you are currently suffering from and send it to me?

When streaming from Tidal and playing the selected title, after playing all storage, the latest playback composition does not stop but starts to play again from the first song. Before the update, everything was fine and it really bothers me. I have still set up. image in Attachment


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please give us time to identify the symptoms you are experiencing. We will respond after confirmation.

In the last picture, the Music playback options you selected are set to Clear the queue and play from here.
Check out the video below and choose your preferred settings.