Rs130 err_connect_timeout please help

@ROSELOA @ROSEHAN and anybody else :sob:

Desperate for help. Received my new RS130 today. It connects to the internet but I cannot update the firmware.

This unit is on 4.7.

The RS130 constantly flashes ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT on all screens.

ROSE ID → (ROSE device > Settings > SystemInfo > ROSE ID)
Rose ID: 0D30AD
Your region: USA/NYC
Your email address: (that’s also my rose app iPhone 15 email)
your ROSE device model: RS130

I have tried a factory rest. I have talked to US rep Alvaro (nice, helpful, etc.)

I can connect to the internet via ethernet (not using fiber yet just Cat 6,7,8 cable into adapter that came with RS130).
I can also connect via Wifi.
Roon works no problem.

Again, the RS130 constantly flashes ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT on all screens.

@ROSELOA @ROSEHAN …anybody out there? Need some help.

One other note, I tried to use my iPhone 15 T-Mobile hot spot …instead of Ethernet or WiFi from the router…same result :sob:


Please check your email address, I sent an email about this issue.

Folks. My thanks to Rose for their assistance. I needed to update the software manually. Rose sent me the file. One big tip (I’m a MAC only user). Make sure your usb is formatted as FAT. Rose won’t accept anything else including EXFAT (or at least mine wouldn’t).


I have the exact same issue with my new RS130. Please email the solution to me as well. Thank you.

I have a similar problem with rs250a. Help.


Please request the Rose device you use and the update file via email below.
Then I will send you the update file and how to use the update file.