RS130 no longer restarts

Hello Hifi Rose Team,

I have had an RS130 for almost a month which sounds wonderful. This morning, I launched a restart via the Windows app, the RS130 turned off, but no longer restarts. I hear a relay noise when I press the on/off button, but nothing happens. If I unplug the power cord and reconnect it, I hear 2 clicks (relay).
Your help and suggestions would be welcome
In awaiting your prompt reply.

Check your fuse. It might be burned.

There is no fuse on the RS130, it is a reset system.
It doesn’t seem to be in reset position.
I think I need to send it back to after-sales service

I see. noted and good luck.


Please check the message I sent you.

Hello Roseloa,

I have sent you my response by email with the requested elements.
However, I fear that the device will have to return to after-sales service…

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards


A little update to share my disastrous experience with my RS130.
After 2 months without RS130 (went to after-sales in France), I got my device back to finally enjoy my music. Well it only lasted 8 days and the same breakdown again!!!
I have exactly the same problem, which appeared when I simply used the restart function in the Rose app. The device no longer restarts. During the after-sales service, the motherboard was changed, but obviously, something else in the RS130 is causing the card to burn… I’m afraid I’ll have to wait another 2 months for a repair that won’t last. .
I am so disappointed to have purchased a device from this brand, which does not live up to its ambitions. All I hope now is to get rid of this big piece of shit without losing too much money (when this big piece of shit is repaired obviously) and forget about Hifi-Rose forever.
I would advise anyone not to buy your devices, as my experience with your after-sales service is deplorable…

The same issue just happened to me. My Rose is not starting, I just hear a few clicks as described by PatriceP.

Please help!



We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Please check a few things.

  1. Is the RS130 power cable connected properly?
  2. Does a relay sound come out when you press the power button on your RS130?
  3. If you hear relay sound but nothing happens on the screen, you will likely need to contact the distributor in the country where you purchased the RS130 for repair.

Thank you

  1. Yes.
  2. Bummer

Any comment on why this keeps happening? Some have experienced more than once.


This symptom appears if there is a problem with the DC power Board of RS130.
It looks like your RS130’s DC power Board needs to be replaced.

For how many years will these “problem” boards be replaced? What is the failure rate? This is a large expense…. I’m worried.

@ROSEHAN this appears to be a widespread problem. Can you please share with us if Rose is going to extend the warranty period to cover this now “known,” defect. Please explain what is going on here, is this a faulty part?

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I just dropped the unity off with my dealer and he shared that Rose support has been great and he will make sure to take care of me. YMMV with your dealer/support path. That said, I think after spending as much as we have on these expensive toys we should get some reassurance from Rose about what happens when they fail outside of warranty? @ROSEHAN


Currently, the number of RS130s excavated is enormous. And the issue is not a widespread problem.
We will consider your request. Is your Rose device also experiencing this problem?

There is at least one member on this forum with two failures. I think it’s fair to ask what happens if this fails outside of warranty? How will it be handled, what will it cost?


The RS130 was released not long ago.
Repairs are available free of charge if the symptoms are present.

Will this failure be replace for free in say 5 years?


Since this is not a failure that occurs in all devices, we cannot make any promises in that regard.

@ROSELOA @ROSEHAN I’m beyond frustrated with my brand new RS130, manufactured in September 2024.

All I did was use the restart feature in the Rose app while the screen was off, and now the device won’t restart at all. It’s infuriating to see a $6,000 device turn into a brick. Thanks, Rose.

This is the second machine I’ve had this problem with. The first one was replaced with a new unit, and now this brand new replacement will have to go in for service. What a shame.