Rs130 rose platform problem

Please forgive my lack of proper English and calling things by their names lol!

My first problem is on the right side tab it shows my queue of songs I’ve asked to play and that’s where my problems are… mostly for now…

1: I try to change the order of songs playing like the first song is at the bottom of the list and I would prefer the songs to show first on top,

I’ve tried clicking on the arrows to change the order by confirming the order and nothing changes… first song still on bottom of my queue list!

2: then after changing the order it shows in the reverse order sometimes AND the whole queue then shows doubled in reverse. I end up with double the play list…

3: now in my Qobuz favorites there is my list of ‘recent played tracks’. (163 tracks)
When I click on the first track then the first 5 tracks showing in my ‘recent played tracks’ ends up in the songs to play on my queue.
THEN if I press on the second song the second song AND the third and fourth and fifth song is added without me asking for them, I just want the second song.
AND IF I press on the third song the third fourth and fifth is added…

Also many times during my listening session 2-3 hours at a time I choose songs in my queue to play again AND THEN—— SILENCE—— I can’t get the song back on my system, I’ve tried playing something somewhere else and still silence like as if the mute button was triggered. I’ve tried the mute on my remote to see if it would disengage but nothing. I HAVE TO RESTART THE RS130.

Never had anything like this with the Tidal app.
Is it Rose developers who did the Qobuz app for Rose or Qobuz themselves?
Is it because somebody did a so so job on the Qobuz app?

Gawwwwwd help me lol! Thank you for reading the whole thing. Gregory


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We will answer your questions.

1.Please check the video below.

  1. Please check the photos below.

Regarding question 3, we need some more time to check. We do not identify symptoms like yours.
Please check if the same symptom appears after factory resetting your RS130.
RS130–>Settings–>System settings–>Factory reset

Hello Sir, I do my listening and selection from my Apple air tablet, not from the front of the rs130. Seems slightly different


The same applies to tablets in a similar way.
Please let me know how it works for you

Il have to do some exploring and some listening to check out those solutions. Thank you Sir

Hello Sir, thank you for the video. I do understand the difference in the choices for the queue.

As far as what you added well I do NOT use the front of my rs130. It stays clean.
But I do use my Apple air tablet and the pictures you added does not apply to my tablet, totally different platform and looks.

My original inquiry was about MY tablet and the queue menu that pops out from the right hand side of my tablet.

As mentioned previously once the queue menu is out and I have selected the Qobuz menu, the one playing is at the bottom of the list and when I press the double arrow asking if I want to change the order of the songs I press confirm but nothing happens. I would much prefer to have the song that is playing at the top of all the songs, not at the bottom.

I am sure there is a way to have the song playing at the top of the queue list.

Thank you