RS130: VU meters don‘t stay turned off

On my new RS130, the VU meters don‘t stay turned off. With every new track (Spotify), they reappear, despite I turned them off before. Tried on-screen and app, as well. Don‘t know if this is the case just after the recent release or has been there before.

Any idea how to fix or cope with?

Have the same, no solution for now
Will be fixed in next update

I do hope for the next update, as well.

Is there any information from Rose on this problem or some aspirations to solve it?

Questions to the hifi rose team:

  1. Are your aware of that problem: re-occuring VU Meters at each new Spotify track despite being turned off?

  2. Are there any efforts or measures to solve that problem, e.g. with the next update?

Thanks for information in advance.

On Dec 3rd, 2024, the problem is solved with the new OS update ( Rose OS 5.7.07). Switching VU meters on and off works flawlessly. Well done.


Now that the issue has been resolved, enjoy your music listening time.