RS130 Wired Ethernet and Wifi

I want to use a wired ethernet connection to my RS130 to avoid wifi issues. It appears you cannot have both a wired ethernet and wifi connection to the RS130 - How are we supposed to use the Rose Connect App with Ethernet? Seems this is a major miss with functionality unless I am missing something - I have spent the better part of the evening switching between ethernet and wifi trying to get the app to work.


To connect your Rose device with the RoseConnect app, the IP address connected to the Rose device and the IP address of the device you are using when using the RoseConnect app must be the same.
In simple terms, you must be connected to the same Wi-Fi.

I have a few questions for you.

  1. Is your Rose device connected to the same Wi-Fi as the device used when using the RoseConnect app?
  2. To connect your Rose device and the RoseConnect Premium app, they must be connected to the same IP network. Even if Rose device is connected by LAN cable, it must be connected to Wi-Fi of the same IP in your mobile phone.

Connect to your RS150B via LAN from your router.

RS150B—>Settings—>System Info—> IP address shown in IP Address and Wi-Fi IP connected to your phone Up to two points must be same.

Example) Correct
Ethernet IP Address:
Android IP Address:

Example) Wrong
Ethernet IP Address:
Android IP Address:

  1. If it is not connected even though it is connected to the same Wi-Fi, delete the RoseConnect Premium app from your mobile phone and download it again and try again.

Thank you

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