RS150 screen cleaning

Hi, does anyone know if the RS150 screen is made of gorilla glass?
What would be the best way to clean without any chance for scratches?

Hi Bitspeed,
Did you remove the plastic film on the front display? I didn’t so I use a soft cloth with warm not to soapy water wipe then dry off using a soft dry cloth.
Gorilla glass I can’t answer that.
I hope that helps.
Regards Matt.

Yes, I did remove the plastic film because there was a small sticker which told me to do :slight_smile:
Now I use a very soft cloth also indeed.


It’s not gorilla glass,
It is a glass LCD manufactured by general tempered glass technique.

Old thread, sorry. Could the screen protector be reapplied? If not, what is HiFi Rose’s recommendation for cleaning the screen?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Screen protectors are not manufactured separately.
You can clean the screen with a glasses cleaner.