RS150B latest update?

i’m thinking of getting this streamer but reading all the issues with the unit i’m scare to get buy. Have the issues been fix with the latest firmware? Will they add amazon music or apple music to it? thanks

What issues are you talking about? Rose has delivered many fixes and updates in a short time - so they take care. There are other voices which had lots of complaints - mainly due to missing support of something, or the way they would use the product.

For the Amazon and Apple you have to wait for an answer from Rose themselves.

If these 2 are the only interest of what the streamer can, maybe its not the right product.
I have Roon as my master streaming plattform and Qobuz integrated.
the Video features are not in use either.

And note that I’m an enduser - I do not work for Rose.

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Hello @elmostro

About adding a music streaming services, we are considering adding Apple Music.
I haven’t been told exactly when it will be released, but it won’t take long.

Before adding Amazon Music, we will take care of device stability. So Amazon Music is not currently scheduled for release. I will pass on your suggestions to Hi-Fi Rose

Thank you

I just purchased one. Hopefully comes with the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth adapter. Thanks

I agree with aswiss’ opinion. The RS150B is a fairly complicated device. It’s bound to require IT support. My personal feeling is that Rose’s responses are quick and genuinely attempt to address the issues. I’ve had my unit for close to three months and I have yet to be negatively impacted by a tech issue (though I’m sure it will happen at some point). Sometimes an owner wants something very specific, and in those cases Rose may or may not be able to deliver, which totally makes sense.

I primarily use Tidal. I’d love to see the Tidal interface have more/better functionality - album ordering, search and play cue all leave something to be desired. These are more than a nit, but the Rose Tidal UI is functional enough and if I get really annoyed it’ll probably motivate me to cut over to Roon as a master streaming platform, which others have advised. I previously spent 5 years locked to Play-Fi with a McIntosh MB50. The sound quality of the RS150B is light years ahead, and while Play-Fi has a slightly more advanced Tidal UI, overall Play-Fi sucks and I am so happy to be off of it. Yes, the 150B screen is very cool, but the soundstage and acuity of the RS150B is ridiculously good.


I access Amazon Music via Ipad and Airplay onto 150B and then to my HT Marantz SR 8015 via setting output and onto my speakers - sound is superb. Dolby Atmos tracks are really impressive. Currently listening to The Lumineers for very relaxed sound with good beat and variety. Good luck.

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