RS150B Power Failure Relay Sound Click But No Power


I am a customer of HIFI Rose RS150B from India. It was not available for sale in India before and i bought my unit from Germany.

It was working fine till today. Now the power does not come on. The relay sound comes, it clicks once and after 4 seconds second click comes and nothing happens, Tried all the basic things like removing chords and keeping power button pressed on for 5 seconds. Also reset it from back.

The unit was purchased from “HiFi Sound” (Germnay) on November 11, 2024. And the receipt says ROS-2075010. The receipt is attached.

The serial numbers appears to be


I am very very disturbed and distressed as with great pains i got it from Germnay and hardly used for 10 hours in last one year and now its not turning on. Can you please help to me diagnose the problem.

And also please advise am i covered under warranty?

IF not how much will the repair cost if DC power Board needs to be replaced.?

Now, I believe you have a dealer at Chennai in India. Chennai is 2000 miles from Delhi in india. I am at Delhi. Is it a fault which can be rectified by replacing the plug or DC Power Board needs to be replaced like i read on your website.

Please Help Urgently. I await reply from HiFiRose and users feedback shall be deeply appreciated.

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Have you checked the fuse of the power ? There should be a spare fuse in the power receptacle, if I remember correctly.

Thanks for the reply, to my utter shock and sweet surprise, the unit came back to life next morning on it’s own, on your advise i had taken out a screw driver to open the fuse compartment below power chord and i just thought to try it once again and the rose 150b came back to life, upgraded all the apps and the software and started working once again as the break down was nothing but a bad ream. Are there any members who experienced similar nightmarish sessions where the unit just goes dead randomly?

The phenomenon you described has occurred with my RS150B as well—rarely, but effectively. In such cases, I use the Rose Connect app to force the device to fully restart. After that, the screen starts working normally again.

Another issue arises when the device is woken up from standby mode and controlled through the mobile app, but the screen continues to display the clock and weather without any changes. Once again, this is resolved by rebooting the device via the mobile app. Just make sure not to touch the screen during this process.

Such is life :slight_smile:

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year in advance!

Dear Vik,

Thanks a lot, I am glad you come to my assistance/rescue in this difficult hour. Today i heard rose for 2 hours, it ran well. I switched it off twice in day and it came back alive when i switched on.

But around midnight the unit agains refused to power on. Usually in mornings after overnight dormant mode it switches itself on. Now once it comes on i will do exactly the procedure described by you. Hope it will resolve this ambiguous and embarrassing problem. Shall post the results online so that other members of HiFi Rose can take some cue. I really hope my problem gets resolved by this hard reset through app.

also, I have emailed to HiFi Rose on Sunday and yet haven’t heard at all from them.

Thanks Once Again

For me, it sounds like a relais (or more) relais has a problem. Every serious electronics engineer should resolve this.
Perhaps also the climate and dust can be a problem, but currently also in Dehli it’s try and not hot.


I have replied to your email. Please check your email.


Thanks for the reply, I am going to contact the distributor in my jurisdiction. But for members i would like to update that My Rose 150B is still not getting switched on all occasions and randomly switches on arbitraily stays off.

Usually in morning it switches on 10/10 times and during day time it comes alive but usually late night the relay sound comes and after a lapse of 3-4 seconds the second relay sound comes again and no power comes to 150B. It reminds me of Sony SCD-1 SACD which also used to read the disc on its wishful thinking.

And when in morning i am leaving for office I try and it comes alive again and works flawlessly no matter how many times i switch it on an off.

I did a hard reset and restored the device to factory settings, but it didn’t help much. The problem subsists.

I will keep others posted.

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Have you checked your mains power? Because it seems to be happening more often at certain times of the day, perhaps there is more load on the grid at those times?. Just a thought.