Rs150b preout level’s setting with Rotel Michi X5

Hi, does anyone know what level I should set on the Rose for the Michi X5 (balanced) please?

Google says this for X5 Line level inputs (XLR): 580 mV

So can I set to 1000mV or needs to be lower? Thanks


Line Level Inputs (RCA): 12.5V

Line Level Inputs (XLR): 12.5V

Phono Input (MM): 197mV

Phono Input (MC): 19mV

Here is the maximum accepted by the Michi. It is visible on the official website

So 4 or 6 volts seems quite reasonable

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Thank you for your reply. So to clarify, you say ‘4 or 6 volts’. Is that 4000mV or 6000mV as shown on the Rose settings? Apologies if dumb question.

Hello @Ataripower,

Yes, yes, yes…

Were you just getting chalk when you were learning about this topic at school??? :wink: You can also google it.

1 liter of beer is 1000 ml of flat beer. :beers:

1 volt is 1000 mV

1 ton has 1000 kg…1m has 10 dm and 1000 mm


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4000 /6000 mv To try according to your preferences

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Lol, yes school was not my favorite time, luckily I had other skills to get by with :slight_smile:


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:clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :100: :boom: :smile:
