RS150B - still does not recognize John Adams - Nixon in China

I posted a message here about 5 months ago relative to trying to rip this three CD Disc and I was hoping with multiple OS updates, the problems I was experiencing would be fixed.

Well that is NOPE. Frankly, the Rose open source database is screwed up concerning this disc.

Disc 1 rips fine. Disc 2 rips and Rose insists this is a Mary Black CD. Disc 3 rips insisting that the Disc 1 metadata applies. Same issues as before.

I get it - this opera disc set did not go quadruple platinum. But come on - Mary Black? I would not know Mary Black if she bit my posterior.

And bonus points: If I rip the disc using J-River Media Center my computer, which recognizes the metadata just fine, and then copy the files to the SDD installed in the Rose - the Rose refuses to play the song files. The files will show up, but they are all greyed out and in random order - which really does not work well with opera. And if I try to play any of the song files - the Rose 150B just laughs and says NOPE.

What did John Adams do to piss off you folks at Rose and the folks that came up with your database?

Should I just stop screwing around with the Rose database and bite the bullet and purchase Roon?

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Sorry for the late reply.
I re-read your previous post and once again passed the symptoms to our software team.

The disk IDs of the three John Adams CDs are shown in the picture below.

If you look at the picture below, everything including Tracks/Total/disk id (a00b830c) of disk 2 is the same as mary black - without the fanfare.
We are also seeing symptoms like this for the first time.
So when importing data, mary black - without the fanfare is searched first, so it seems that this phenomenon appears.
We will review whether there is a way to distinguish in detail other than Tracks/Total/disk id.
It’s embarrassing, but I’d appreciate it if you could take pictures of the disk IDs of the three CDs and send them to me.

Thank you

Hi @patric9956

It’s pretty rare but it can happen that a certain CD has a set of metadata which is shared in the global database with other CDs, so - before ripping - and like in your case - all the information shown are related to another title/album instead of the intended one.

I have encountered many of these cases myself when ripping hundreds of CDs to the Rose.

Most of the times, this applies to different editions of the same record (eg: US vs. UK vs. Japan release, Bonus Tracks, etc.) but it’s possible that you put in a CD and the information shown belongs to a completely different album…

Most Music management/tagging/ripping software (XLD, i-Tunes, but also many other…) show a drop-down menu where all the options/titles linked to that particular CD are visible and you can select the correct one before ripping/playing.

The Rose CD software doesn’t currently offer this option, but - having pointed so many other aspects of the CD ripping function here - I also know that the Rose team keeps working on addressing all these issues, so it will be just a matter of time before this other item of the CD ripping function will be looked at and fixed.

I’ll send this information on to you this weekend. Thanks for your reply.

Hello again Alessandro, thank you for your reply. In an earlier reply, I believe you mentioned Roon. I decided to try it (despite not having a 2 month free coupon) and had a rather impressive experience.

I did not realize that I had nearly 10, 000 songs on various networked drives. Roon found all and added meta data (album art and liner notes) in about 15 minutes. No messing around with manual renames or data over-rides. I decided that the $149 / year was worth the automation and convenience and I have not found any issues with data errors.

Frankly, when you get to my age and health status, your time becomes much more valuable and a modest fee that saves you time, is a bargain. I jumping onto the Roon bandwagon with both feet and will even set up a dedicated Roon core (if that goes smoothly - I’ll become a Roon missionary).

Here are pictures of the discs in question. I hope this helps.