I have an RS150B, currently used purely as a streamer going into Mola Mola Tambaqui.
Has anyone compared the difference with RS130 purely for front end streaming. Will it make a difference to change to RS130.
Anyone with experience/ tried this.
My friend and I were RS150b users. We compared it to the RS130 in the distributor’s showroom three times. We eventually decided to get the RS130 since it is better to our ears.
I sold my RS150B before I got the RS130. But my friend still had the RS150B when he received his unit. He confirmed the RS130 is better in his system, too.
Since you have an external DAC, you may tempt to add or change other associated components, such as SFP switch and cable, etc.
It’s all up to you.
Hi Tom, thank you. So what u r stating is you compared both purely as streamer front into a external dac. Am I right? Was it a significant difference or a mild one. Is it worth the money? I will continue to be using the tambaqui as dac. That’s the plan.
I have a question for both of you (IGP & TomT)… I want to test my RS150B with an external DAC via USB and I’m told that in order for it to work properly, it would be best to keep a fixed Sampling Rate from the RS150B at 96K… is this a setting I can manipulate or choose in order to avoid synchronization issues with the external DAC? Would appreciate any feedback you can share from your own experiences in using external DACS with the RS150B or RS130. Many Thanks!
I am using via USB and you can definitely change sampling rate . That is my experience. Have not faced any issues of synchronisation issue with the 150b and tambaqui combo
I also have a Tambaqui. An opportunity came to borrow a RS150b for a few days to see the sound quality gain versus using a computer for streaming. Based on that experience I decided to buy the RS130.
For me the difference between the RS150b and RS130 is quite large. Better bass definition, even more pristine highs and a bigger soundstage. But I also think it depends on the rest of your system quality level. I would buy an RS130 again and highly recommend it.
Thank you orbiter. Appreciate it
Many Thanks for the feedback IGP…
It is very much appreciated…
I have the RS150 - and planning with a Tambaqui. I already had an Aurender N20 here to compare differences with the Rose. There were some, but to be honest, only on the subtle side, no days/nights.
The Tambaqui was a much bigger step. Not sure if I really want to switch the RS150 to a RS130 in addition, because buying both will not fit in my budget.
did I read that correct, that with the SFP USB on the 130, I would also need this USB Switch in order to connect the Tambaqui with USB?
I tried the Tambaqui standalone over Ethernet, directly from Roon, and preferred this over USB from the 150.
I am not an expert, but to connect the Tambaqui to the RS130 via sfp USB, you need an USB fiber optical hub like the RSA720.
But if you preferred the Tambaqui standalone versus via the streamer from the RS150b (I find this very surprising), you would do best to keep your money, I think.
maybe you’re right.
I don’t get that concept with this USB Hub. (Sorry for the question)
the RS720 HUB is isolated from the RS130 with optical (galvanic Isolation) USB SFP, the external DAC is connected to the HUB. Is there an Isolation from that PSU to the USB Port (non SFP) were I would connect my DAC?
And yes, the Streamer of the Tambaqui sounded good. I’ll try to get it again for a longer test, to find out a bit more.
And a lot of not so good working things have been written over the RS130, so I’m not sure if this really brings me a step up compared to the RS150. Maybe I I have to lend one and find out myself.
Thanks @Orbiter
The way I look at those optical, galvanic, isolation … terms: I ignore them. I feel they have become more like marketing terms than anything else. Every ethernet connection is by default galvanically isolated (or am I wrong?). Most quality dacs have USB ports galvanically isolated. So taking this further by additional boxes may help, but it is not very clear to me why. I intend to even buy this RSA720 eventually, just because it is not very expensive and I might have fun trying it out. But I do not have very high expectations…
About the RS130. I have a computer running Roon and only use rose as a pure streamer. I even turn its display off. So those software problems people are reporting don’t affect me very much. I tell everyone this is the first box of electronics that I bought that I don’t understand what it does. I just know it helps the sound of my sistem tremendously and I would not want to be without it.
ok, i see.
The RS150 is a very good streamer. I does its job very good, and offers a lot of features, even I don’t use them. I’m with Roon as well, and compared with the local Rose Media DB more than happy.
I’ve chosen Roon before I had the Rose, because it’s more or less independent from a device.
I compared it to an Aurender N20 which is 3 times the price, and this one is better and its audible - but for me not worth the price compared to my RS150. thanks for your feedback @Orbiter
I can recommend using the sfp as a data connection from your router to the rs130 and from the rs130 to the tambaqui through a high quality usb cable. This meant giant steps in my system. Of course, these will become more or less apparent depending on your system’s resolution. Good luck!
My setup is good enough to hear subtle differences. (Soulution Audio 330 with Magico A5)
I already use a highgrade USB Cable and I already have a galvanic islotated Switch with good ethernet cables as well.
So the main question would be, what does the RS130 better compared to my RS150?