Rs201 a rs201E differences

Dziękuję, pozdrawiam proszę o informacje jakie różnice pojawiają się między różą rs201 a róża rs201E.

Model nazywa się RS201E, jeśli sklep podaje nazwę RS201 bez litery E to z zaniedbania. Tylko RS201E jest dostępny. Nie ma wariantów.

RS201E is correct name. If any reseller uses RS201 without E letter it is neglect. Only RS201E is available.


Where did you check the ‘RS201’?
If you checked ‘RS201’ in RS201E → Setting → Model, it’s correct.

Check the photo here, the picture above is RS201 and the picture below is RS201E.
‘Speaker Out’ for RS201 has no plastic cover.

Please check your rear of RS201E.

Are there any other difference besides the speaker binding posts?

Hello, there is no performance difference.
From the early model, RS201, → RS201E, speaker binding posts have been changed.
Changes for workability and design.

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Thanks for the clarification.