RS250 and qobuz

Hello, when using Qobuz, selected from within the Rose app on my iPad, I enjoy a very nice listening experience. However, I very frequently Qobuz stops and the Rose app requires me to log back in and re-authenticate permission for Rose to access my Qobuz account information. This happens so frequently, in fact, that it has become a serious nuisance. Any help would be appreciated. Qobuz has become my favorite streaming service owed to the sound quality being consistently better than others.

As an aside, I have used Tidal and Spotify in the same fashion (Rose app, iPad, rs250) and have rarely had any issue.

Thank you,



The problem can be resolved by updating both the RoseConnect app and Rose device to the latest version, then logging out of your Qobuz account and logging in again.
If the symptom is still not resolved, please check the version information of your RoseConnect app and Rose device and let me know.

Worked a little better for awhile, but still glitches. Is the info useful as to the identifying the version of rose connect and op sys for the 250 unit?


Regarding the phenomenon you mentioned, when attempting to access a specific page within Qobuz,
An intermittent login issue has been confirmed, and the development team is currently working on a fix.
(We are checking to see if there is any problem with logging in on other pages other than this page.)

We will complete the modifications so that they can be applied in the next distribution.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.