RS250 - New Fault

Hi, if I pause a song (played via Tidal in the Rose Hi-Fi App), and then unpause that song a minute or so later, it plays a few seconds of the original song and then skips to the next track.

Also, and this happens quite a lot now, say 6 times out of 10, when I switch on the RS250, it doesn’t connect to wi-fi and I have to reboot the RS250 to get a connection.

The wi-fi icon is just greyed out.


We are currently checking your symptoms. However, we do not have the same symptoms as you.

Please confirm a few things.

  1. When you say to reboot the power, do you mean to press and hold the power button and press the reboot button on the screen to reboot? Or do you mean to lightly press the power button to turn the device back on from standby mode?

  2. When your RS250 is connected to Wi-Fi, it turns gold. In that state, if you press and hold the connected Wi-Fi for about 3 seconds to delete the connected Wi-Fi and then reconnect, does the same symptom occur?

  3. How strong is the Wi-Fi connected to your RS250?

  4. Are there many network devices in use together with the connected Wi-Fi?

  5. What output do you use?

  6. If you are using an external DAC, what is the model name?


1 = I press and hold the power button and press the reboot button on the screen to reboot.

2 = I need to test and try this.

3 = Very strong. I’ve not had this issue before, in the 3 years that I’ve owned the RS250. Only over the last few months.

4 = Not that many to be a problem.

5 = I use the coax output.


My answer to question 2 = the same symptom occurs.

In short, when I pause a song, and then unpause it after a short while, the track plays for a short while and then skips to the next song.


Please answer some additional questions.

  1. Yesterday we released an update.
    Do you still see the same issue after updating your Rose device to the latest version?

  2. What audio sources did you play on your RS250? (Tidal, Qobuz, etc.)

  3. Do you see this issue when connecting to Airplay or Spotify?

Hi - Answers:

1 = Yes I have updated (yesterday afternoon) and the problem still happened (last night).

2 = Tidal.

3 = I don’t use Airplay at all, and would not need to due to using the Rose App for Tidal.


Please log out of your Tidal account logged into the RoseConnect app and then log back in.
Additionally, go to the Rose Store on your RS250 and uninstall and reinstall the Tidal app.