RS250 screen blank

My RS250 screen remains blank when I power on. The power switch looks on but I can’t seem to get the LCD screen to appear. The App also couldn’t locate the player. Does anyone have any suggestion? (Have tried switching power on and off to no avail)


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please check a few things.

  1. You should look at the power button of RS250.
    When the RS250 is turned off, a white light appears on the power button, and when the power is turned on, a black light appears on the power button. If you press the power button while the white light is showing, does it turn black?
  2. Does the same symptom appear even if you reconnect the power cable of your RS250?
  3. If you have tried everything above and the problem is not resolved, contact the distributor in the country where you purchased the RS250 and request repair.

Thanks for getting back. The light is blinking so looks like it wouldn’t start up. Is there a way to do a reset? I’ve tried reconnecting the power cable but it’s the same.

Also has there been an OS upgrade?


Recently, an update was distributed for Rose OS.

Based on your symptoms, I think it may need repairs.
Before requesting repair, if there is a power cable that can be connected to RS250, connect it and check whether the power is turned on.

Thanks! The power is on - the light just keeps blinking. Will take it to the local agent repair center. Thanks again