RS250A Speed problem


For a while now the playback (audio) speed of my rs250A keeps changing by playing a fraction faster. When changing the filter or after a reset it goes well for a while and then it goes wrong again.
Does anyone have any idea what to do about this? Thanks.




It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question.
Please answer a few questions.

  1. Do you encounter this problem when using an app that requires a network on RS250a? Then the speed varies depending on the network condition.
  2. Of course, if you reboot or reset the RS250a, problems accumulated in the RS250a will be reset, so it may be a little faster.
  3. Is the speed of RS250a so slow that it is inconvenient to use?

Dear Rosehan,

Thank you for your response. The problem was that my music, from the internal drive or via Tidal, was played a fraction too fast (no problem with Spotify, Youtube or usb). Even after a factory reset the problem persisted. I discovered that when I set the “max. sample rate” and the “resample rate” (kHz) in in the output settings the same the problem is solved.

