RS250A switching input causes huge popping sound

Hm, I am not sure if other users reported already the same, but I can’t find the exact same behaviour.
Whenever I switch the input, from internal to Optical In and vice versa, I get a huge pop in my speakers. No matter if the volume is turned down or not.
I am using the rose directly with a Jeff Rowland 525 power amplifier, with no any other pre-amplifier I encountered a similar problem.
And before I get asked, yes, I tried it with a different amplifier as well, and it is the same story.
I can^t find anything in the settings nor on the wires.
Any idea ?
If I can’t get it fixed, it goes return to the dealer and the the rose experience was quite short.
Thank you folks, hoping for any answer.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

It is normal for a slight pop noise to occur when changing input or output in the input/output settings. This is in the factory default range. It does no damage to the speaker at all.

Hello, no, it is not causing any convenience.
I wanted to give this brand and gear a chance, as it got so hyped.
Unfortunately I have found a lot of flaws and issues, which simply keeps me away from buying this device.
– popping noise when switching inputs
– the app is not user friendly and a bit irritating
– Youtube let’s you log in and watch the already saved or subscribed videos, but no new can be searched
– Airplay from a MacBook, could not get it working, no idea where, how …
– Video could be cool, but also very cumbersome to get it working
– to connect to my network shares was impossible, and I am sure the passwords were correct

Maybe you take some of this points and try to improve the product. If I would need a really good DAC, there are hundreds on the market. The features beside the DAC function would make your device interesting, but unfortunately with so much issues, that I simply have to deny the offer I got from the dealer. Sorry guys, you are on a good way, but still half way is in front of you.


I am here to answer your questions.
We will not be able to address all of your requests before then.

  1. What is the level of pop noise that appears from the speaker when switching inputs on RS250a?
    Is it very loud? Please shoot a video and send it to the email address below.

  2. The RoseConnect app continues to be improved. Although it may be a little inconvenient now, it is expected to improve a lot in the future.

  3. RoseTube and YouTube are completely different platforms. This function was created arbitrarily when many users said they wanted to watch videos they had saved or subscribed to on YouTube. I asked the software manager, but he said that YouTube does not support ADK, which allows you to add a search box.

  4. If you look at the picture below, you can activate AirPlay on Mac by clicking the icon next to the mouse cursor and changing the checkbox next to it to a check mark.

  5. What part of video operation would you say is inconvenient?

  6. You entered the correct password for Wi-Fi, but you can’t connect? So, did you distinguish between upper and lower case letters correctly? If the Wi-Fi you are trying to connect to shows Saved instead of Connected to the right, press and hold the Wi-Fi marked Saved to clear it and try connecting again.