RS250A USB3 Hard Drive - 5 Teras, Very Slow

Hello everyone!

I just bought a 5 Teras Western Digital My Passport USB 3 External Hard Drive with FAT NTFS, as always.

I want to know please, why it takes forever to scan all the content, every time I turn on my RS250A, exactly the same thing happened with a 4 Teras disk, and under the same conditions.

I appreciate any comment that adds up to a solution and not, an opinion of the RS250A.

Regards, José

Enjoy the sound of your RS250A and never ask regarding scan times, you will get crazy and you will never get a answer which is close to a solution or a solution for that problem from Rose.

Every time you switch on your device the cache is rebuild, that takes on my attached network folder around 15 minutes. A first time full scan of my media library needs around 3.5h, a rescan after adding nothing or some new albums is around 30h if not switching the device off, otherwise longer. The media library is around 80k files.

The media database and scan technology of ROSE is from IT Stone Age and Rose is not willing (or incapable) to bring this technology to actual standards.

You have to accept this and enjoy the great sound or or look elsewhere.


Have you tried to use the internal drive option?
I use it and have had no issues that I can think of that prevent me from searching or playing the music that I recorded using the CD drive from Rose.


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@rayray57 How many files do you have on your internal drive? And not searching or playing music is the problem, scanning is the problem.

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I have recorded around 300 CD’s. I guess im not familiar with the scanning purpose/issue.


Also, disclaimer, I have the 1st Gen RS-250.

Thank you all for the comments.

I have no intention of buying an internal disk, neither dead nor crazy, I open the RS250A and install an internal disk (ni en pedo).

As he says, the problem is not reproducing, it is scanning.

Greetings to all.

The scan problem is there on any storage device, internal / external disk or attached network folder, doesn’t matter. Hopefully you have also only 300 albums, otherwise happy scanning…

Can you define the purpose of the scan? What does it provide in order to listen? Sorry for my ignorance on this. Clearly I don’t have 30,000 songs in the DB. So maybe I have never experienced an issue. I have not tried to take an external drive of vinyl and add to drive. To me it defeats the purpose of vinyl listening purity.

That’s just my take not to say the convenience of adding to drive to listen on demand or remotely isn’t good too.

Maybe Rose will find a way to speed up process!

Bad message first - Rose will not find a solution for the scanning/rescanning problem, they ignore it since years because they are not willing and / or not capable to fix it, this is ignorance to their own customers in my opinion.

Regarding your question, if your waiting time for scan / rescan of your music library after adding new music is ok for you or you are using a streaming service, don’t worry and be happy!

In my case I wait 30h or more for rescan of my 80k songs music library after adding some music to find & play the new music with Rose Connect App - not happy with that!

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Thank you all for the responses and comments.


Thank you for answering! I am no data expert but that seems like a very intense process. That being said there should be a way to run a scrip to bypass to get unknown data. AKA new songs. Maybe they should hire new more coders.

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Same here. I have about 800gb of music stored on internal SSD. Nothing takes very long

Could you explain “Nothing takes very long”? In this post we are talking about DB scan times only, not UI/UX experience like navigation or search.

DB scan. A couple of minutes at most

For how many tracks? And is it a first scan or a regular rescan?

I’ve no idea how many tracks. Mostly CD quality Flac files. Many thousands I’d estimate. This is a regular scan after sorting meta tag data

Ive got a 4TB samsung evo fitted in my rs150B. No problems at all. It only scans if i add another album to the ssd. Otherwise no scanning.

Rose OS does a Auto Scan, you are sure? And if it does, how long last the scan for one new album?

Dont know if it does an autoscan, cant remember if it actually does. If i find the time tonight ill transfer a cd from my laptop to my Rose and see what happens. And ill check how long scanning will take.