Search inside a playlist

Since playing new songs from Qobuz is adding them automatically to the current playlist, even if I keep deleting the songs I don’t like so much, I end up with a 400+ songs I like the most… Is it possible to SEARCH the playlist for a specific song I know is therein instead of seemingly endless scrolling sessions ?

@ROSEHAN if not yet possible, would it be possible to add a ‘playlist search’ button besides ‘all’ - ‘music’ - ‘Qobuz’ - ‘RoseTube’ searches in the next release ?

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If related music sources are generated even though you didn’t play them, please change the Recommended playlists below to OFF.

Lastly, your request will be difficult to add later.
If we do, it will probably take a lot of time because we will have to work on the UI.

Thanks @ROSEHAN to have considered my request BUT :

  1. I’m not talking about ‘unwanted’ recommended playlists (and this option is of course already deselected), as I mentionned these are my chosen and beloved selection in the playlist that I would like to be able to search !
  2. Modifying the UI to add this choice is really NOT complicated since the choice on top of the screen is a ROLLING sélection… Just add a fifth option and the UI is preserved - with a new entry in this rolling search menu…

Please kindly forward this suggestion to your software team


We will review your request internally and add additional information if necessary.

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