Search should strip leading and lagging spaces


I have a Rose model RS250 with the latest 4.19 (Official) operating system, Audio Firmware version XMOS 3147, and accessing it through my Android phone running Rose Connect Premium version (Official)

Problem: If a space is included either before or after the search term, these spaces are removed and queried for all except Music.

For example, if I search on " kodachrome", or "kodachrome " (quotes not included), then I get results from RoseTube, and Tidal, but not in Music (which searches on the onboard SSD), even though the file named kodachrome is present in the local SSD.

I tried reindexing the entire media library on the SSD and also downloaded the latest library on my Rose Connect Premium, but this behavior still continues.

Can the behavior of Search be changed, to automatically remove trailing and lagging space characters before it is submitted for search on the local library. This is obviously already happening automatically on RoseTube and Tidal.

Thank you!


I didn’t understand your question correctly.
What you said above kodachrome or kodachrome is the same phrase.

Typing “kodachrome” yields correct results.
Typing " kodachrome" does not yield correct search results from local SSD.
Typing "kodachrome " does not yield correct search results from local SSD.
I hope you can see, that “kodachrome” is not the same as “<space> kodachrome” or “kodachrome<space>