Shazam in RoseConnect

In RoseConnect (for iPad) there is a way to see a portion of the main music/radio station playing screen. However, half of the iPad display is taken up with “related songs” on the right side of the display. I have no objection to that but wish it were able to be closed i.e., moved off screen to the right unless opened as can be done with the queue list. This would then allow space to display and select Shazam. My use case is that I’m watching a projection screen and the equipment -projector, RS 130, etc are all behind me. I need to be able to see and select inputs from the iPad. There doesn’t appear to be a way to do this currently. Am I missing something? I would think that one of the first screens one would see on the iPad for RoseConnect would be a representation of whatever is displayed on the RS 130’s screen.


I have found it. It is there now. There is the ability to control Shazam from the iPad.
However, the above modification for the ability to see the entire playing screen would be a welcome addition.
