Showing the album art…

Hi there,
I have a question about the album-art, when I am playing music from the internet on my RS150b, in my case often the Dutch “Hi On Line Lounge Radio” (very relaxing music!). Everytime a new song sounds, I have to push the Shazam-icon at the bottom of the orange picture, to see the corresponding album art!
Is it thát difficult to automize that action, resulting in automaticaly showing the album art for every new song? In my opinion it’s easy to realize…!
I am anxius to read your answer….!

Thank you in advance,

Hello Theo,

I’ve asked that question many times myself. Implementation is trivial and obvious. There must be some other reason.


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We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Currently, there is no way to operate this feature other than manually.