Software update 4.1.08

Still not working. I dont get the time out message but i press uppdate under settings and nothing happens….

Hello Max,

Please let me know…

  1. Where’s your region?
  2. Can you tell me your ROSE ID?
    (RS150B/RS250/201 > Settings > SystemInfo > ROSE ID)
  3. Do you use ethernet? If not, would you try ethernet or hotspot tethering in phone?


  1. Europe (sweden)
  2. OC86B6
  3. Using ethernet.

Thanks, it’s working fine now. Update is complete.

Brilliant, it’s working now and so far I’m very impressed :slight_smile:

Hello @Max ,

  1. Maybe your ROSE ID starts with ‘0’, not ‘O’?
    If it’s confusing, you can show me a photo.

  2. Is it RS250?

Any advice to offer?

Maybe - I have to check when coming. But if you find nothing cant you try with the other

Yes it is a 250………….

Hello Max, please check the message I sent you.

Thank you.

Its oke now many thanks.
Great support, Shit happens everywhere.

Thanks it works now. And what a great improvement in loading times for long 4k videos. Starts directly :grinning: