Some feature requests


I got my RS520 just a few days ago and so far, it works flawlessly in combination with my Samsung GQ75QN95A TV an my Focal Sopra No 2 speakers. However, even after this short time of user experience I have some feature requests.

  1. When using my TV via HDMI eARC, I prefer to deactivate the display. Would it be possible that the volume setting eppears on the deactivated display, when changing the volume via remote?

  2. I would love to see an option to activate/deactivate the diplay via remote. Would it be possible to add this feature by pressing a certain button on the remote for a longer time? In addition, I would like to see a similar function for the VU meter.

  3. A screenshot function would sometimes be very helpfull.

That’s it for now. Thank you so far.

Regards from Germany,


Hi guys,

I found out that it is allready possible to activate the VU meter via remote control when the respective settings for the VU meter are activated. Just press the down arrow button on the remote followed by the up arrow button and the OK button. Then, the last VU meter will be displayed.

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