Songs loading backward on list

Hello community, I am asking someone who will help me with this glitch…

When I choose songs on my tablet I open the Qobuz right side pop-up window then I see my songs that I chose.

How come the first song is last and my other songs chosen are backwards?

In other words why is it loading every song backward, usually on tidal when you choose a song it stays on top of the list and the other songs are loaded subsequent AFTER the first song.

Here the first song I chose is at the bottom of the list… always it should load and stay first on top. I would like a way to load my songs so the first one playing IS on top of the list not backwards at the bottom going up.

Rosehan told me to move the songs with the hamburger bars. Not correct way
The songs should load as first song on top and the others after not pushing the first song down the list.

Thank you for ANY info on your part guys! Gregory


We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please check a few things.

  1. Rose device–>Settings–>Audio settings–>Music playback options
    Are your settings set to Add a song to the end of the queue?
  2. What is your Rose device version information?
    Rose device–>Settings–>System info–>System version info
  3. Are you using the RoseConnect app that matches the version on your tablet?
  4. If you play the entire song in the album on Qobuz, will it be added to the end of the queue in the same way?

Dont ask me why or how but tonight I added 2 new albums on a empty queue on my tablet right hand side menu which has my music provider Qobuz and it loaded as it should . First song first and the rest in proper order like one after the other in the right order. Even the second was loaded correctly.

Now the first song loads at the top not last position like I was telling before.

I do have it as : add music to end of queue.
That’s what I had before but it was coming in reverse…

My Hifi Rose rs 130 plays superbly now with my Weiss 204 Dac.

Thank you Rosehan…. Gregory


Please answer the questions I mentioned above.
That way I can give you an accurate answer to your problem.