Sound Quality Question

I am a recent owner of a 150B. Really liking the quality/features. I’m running balanced out directly to an Anthem MCA325. I use it mainly as a Roon endpoint with a Roon Nucleus server. So I’ve got everything already ripped flac on my Roon server.
Question here-if I install an SSD internally and copy music files there, or even re-rip a CD, will it sound any better than using Roon?
So basically comparing the sq between playing a CD file from the Rose’s internal drive vs. using Roon to play it? Thoughts?

Why would there be any difference? And re-ripping a CD, ,assuming initial rip was accurate, will produce an identical file, so why would that make any difference either?

I agree, but I’m asking if there is a difference playing the same file from the local storage or from the Roon server.

Sonically, none (assuming you do not do any processing in Roon, of course). Given shortcomings of Rose’s library management, it is far more convenient with Roon though.

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