Speakers Damaged while Playing

My Stereo setup includes Rose 150B as streamer and preamp running via parasound JC1 monoblocks feeding Monitor Audio Platinum 300 tower speakers

2 days back I was listening to this setup for about 30 minutes. Midway I restarted my Rose150 B while the amps were already powered up.
I heard a spike in the speakers with small blast. The bass driver coils in both the speakers burnt. There are 2 base drivers in each speaker so 4 base drivers were damaged.
The problem more likely emanated from Rose 150b as it is unlikely that 2 independent amplifiers will develop same problem at the same time.
I can rule out the power supply issue as the system is being fed from a 5KVA APC UPS.

Has any one faced similar issue. What checks I need to perform before I restart my system

Any help will be appreciated.

PS - I am attaching pictures of smoke from speaker port and a speaker with burnt coil


WhatsApp Image 2025-01-09 at 12.20.27|750x1000

Almost 2 years ago I had a few times that when I switched on my RS250 the volume would be @ max, meaning 2x 250Watts.
It turned out to be faulty opamps in the amplifier part and they were replaced. It could also be a faulty remote control.
Last week it happened again, when I changed from WiFi back to internet cable without touching the volume settings or anything else.
So what I do now every morning is to make sure that the volume setting is @ 10 or so, before selecting a sound source.
Your case is slightly different with active speakers, but the same is to check your volume setting before selecting a sound source.
I was lucky to be fast to cut the AC power and therefore my woofers are still OK, although they must have suffered some.
But another strange thing for Rose to find out why this happens…………………………………………


Hi Paulus
Thanks for your feedback.
Can some one from Rose team advise what protections should be followed so that this does not repeat again

Long ago when I started in hifi I was taught to first turn the volume down before switching sources or powering down. That is what Murphy’s law is really about: following a checklist when starting an airplane. Do everything in the right order one by one so nothing CAN go wrong.

I don’t trust heavy power amplifiers without a real volume potentiometer in front of it. Meaning a real preamp with analog volume or proper relays with time delay. Always first turn the volume down. Then turn off. So when you turn it on you won’t get a thump no matter what.

The same goes for sources when they are not matched in volume. First turn down the volume, then switch source.

You really need to make it a habit. It’s called being careful with expensive gear. I wouldn’t trust 250W amps always on full blast with computer controlled gear. I’ve seen to many blue screens to trust anything computer to work flawlessly.

It seems your drivers got full power DC for too long. I’m really sorry for you. I hope you have insurance or guarantee on it.

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It is very sad and would make me angry what happened to the man!

But I don’t think he was playing at such full volume.

It has been posted here in the chat several times that the Rose devices increase the volume on their own. It was also posted somewhere that if you held down the volume button on the remote control and did not press the volume control at specific points, the volume shot up and people could only prevent damage by quickly switching the device to “off” or pulling the power plug.

Luckily, I have never had a case like that and something like that “cannot and must not” happen!!! It doesn’t matter whether a device costs 500, 1000 or 5000 dollars.

I see how that’s a problem. But I think you missed my point. Never trust a computer (or AI, or a robot…). Anything with complex processing is prone to unexpected errors. The simpler the device the less chance of errors.

I would never leave control of power amps that are far beyond what my speakers can take with any computer chip. Especially windows or android based or w/e. Or something with automatic ‘updates’.

Just as you should never blindly trust people you just meet, you should never trust a CPU, especially when it’s hooked up to the internet. And especially AI. That’s not paranoid, that is common sense based on clear logic. I think there are enough movies based on this phenominon to be wary of it.

I prefer using an integrated amp or discrete (passive) preamp for that reason.

Btw: my new preamp had an issue where the remote reacted to my tv remote. So the volume would shoot up, or down when browsing through the YouTube tv app. After reporting I instantly got an updated firmware. But I also have a volume pot on my monoblocks to prevent damage. That is absolutely safer.

No, I didn’t miss it and you’re right with what you posted. :+1:t2:

But it still can’t be the case that you have to (exaggerately) install a kill switch in your listening position in order to be able to react.

Have a nice weekend. :v:t2:

Ah ok. That’s why I said "I think":wink:

A kill switch… I’d rather call it a safety. Or better: know what you’re doing. It might just be me, but I don’t feel at ease waiting for something to go wrong. And I’ve done too much troubleshooting helping others.

Pff. I just remember, I have a nice pair of speakers here, Mirage Omnisound I bought on the local marketplace (so etwas wie Kleinanzeigen). A total crook making excuses who “couldn’t demonstrate them because his wife was sick upstairs” so I only got a quick look in the hallway. I was with a friend who drove me so I didn’t want to make a fuss. At home it turned out 4 woofers were blown and the crossover was burnt. And those were only 4" woofers. Not the costly big woofers like in these Monitor Audio. I know how disappointing that is.

Still, I wouldn’t connect my streamer directly to poweramps. Also because I listen to vinyl records more. I need something to switch 3 inputs.

Also, I rather use a separate dac. I really like the Rose streamer… As a streamer. I use a seperate dac, without volume control, just like in the link you gave. Exactly why how it’s explained there. And I bought the matching pre-headphone amp (Laiv Harmony R2R dac and HP2a). I totally agree with their take on things. It’s sounds marvelous. Even with my ridiculously cheap 85W Aiyima monoblocks. It’s a great match (I chose these over other, price appropriate amps I have).

So, back to this situation. I think this is a case of bad luck and something for insurance to handle. Usually collateral damage is not included in the warranty. Unfortunately.

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I had the same problem with the 150b when I used it as a preamp. Whether using the app installed on my phone or their provided remote, when I adjusted the volume up just the slightest bit, it would trigger the device to continue increasing its output toward 100.
After too many close calls and no viable solutions offered by support, I now have a separate preamp, using the 150b as a streamer and DAC only. I’m out some cash, but can relax and enjoy the music while not having to remain in high alert.

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Dear Rose Team

I have not heard from you on the probable cause and the fixes. I have used the setup minus Rose for more than 5 years never facing any issues. the inconsistent output from Rose let to burning of drivers of my expensive speaker system
I would request you to investigate the issue and let the users know so that other consumers don’t face such expensive damage


If you want a failsafe solution that does not cost much and does not degrade the sound look at this passive pre-amp, just a switch between RCA and XLR with volume control. Yes, it puts a potmeter in your signal path and it will cost you an extra cable. But you can hide it out of sight. Just put the streamer on 100% volume and adjust your amps to what you consider the loudest you ever want to play.

Or even better: get an integrated amplifier. Or tube amplifier.
Fwiw real high end systems do not use digital volume controls but prefer a fixed output. For the reasons Bonte shared in his linked article.

This is about $40

Or if you want relay based (no loss at all) with remote control

Around $150

I wonder why there are no motor vehicles with digital transmission and speed control. You want a human in control or you will get accidents. Again: Murphy’s law. (Also who is liable for insurance? Insurance people understand how to calculate risks).

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Thnaks. I have a Anthem STR preamp and would put it in between and see how the setup sounds


Did you mute the volume before rebooting your streamer?

No I didnt mute. I only rebotted the device with amplifiers warmend up and connected to speakers