Swapping SSD from RS250 to RS130 without Data-loss possible?

Hi all,

i upgraded from RS250 to RS130 and wonder if i can swap the 1TBSSD full of music to the RS130 without losing access to the music on the SSD. Is there any trick to apply?



Considering your current situation, there seems to be no other way than to connect a 1TB SSD containing music to the bottom of the RS130 and scan it from the RS130 to play music.

thats exactly how it worked. I installed the SSD, system recognized a new device and asked to perform a DB Scan. Took 5 minutes and now i have the complete catalogue in my app.


Do you mean that 1TB of space was scanned within 5 minutes?
Could I know the size of storage capacity on your 1TB SSD?

I have to revise “full of music”; Its only 400GB used.

A bit off topic, but @azeg can you tell if there was an appreciable sonic improvement when you upgraded to the RS130 from the RS250 (I’m assuming everything else, cables etc, remained the same). I’m considering the same upgrade. Thanks.

i have sent you a PM.